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Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Performed by Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi

The eyes are the most captivating feature of the human face. As “the window to the soul”, the eyes are one of our most important tools for communicating thoughts and emotions. However, as the years pass, our eyes can become hidden under excess wrinkles, puffiness, and droopy eyelids. Our eyelids also have some of the thinnest and most delicate skin found anywhere on our bodies, which makes them especially vulnerable to the effects of aging, gravity, environmental damage, and other factors. This is why Dr. Tansavatdi offers eyelid surgery, including ptosis repair, in the Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village area.

Take the Next Step. Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Tansavatdi

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Feel like yourself again

Our Westlake Village blepharoplasty surgeon, Dr. Tansavatdi, performs surgery to restore sagging eyelids, remove excess fat, and rejuvenate the overall appearance of the eyes. Dr. Tansavatdi is a dual board-certified facial plastic surgeon and specializes in helping her clients achieve beautiful results that enhance their natural features. By reversing unwanted signs of aging, eyelid surgery can remove 10 to 15 years from your face and give you a more rested, alert appearance. 

Hands measuring skin under man's eyebrow

What blepharoplasty can do for you

Eyelid lift surgery can rejuvenate your eyes by removing the droopy skin on your upper eyelids and puffiness under the eyes. Blepharoplasty procedures fall into two broad categories: cosmetic blepharoplasty and functional blepharoplasty.

Cosmetic blepharoplasty is performed solely to erase signs of aging and improve your appearance.

Functional blepharoplasty is undertaken for medical reasons. In most cases, it’s performed to remove the skin from the upper eyelid that is so heavy and droopy that it impairs your vision for driving and other visual tasks. Functional blepharoplasty may also be needed if you are experiencing irritation from folds of excess eyelid skin rubbing together, forehead discomfort from overused muscles straining to lift sagging skin over your eyes, or decreased function of the muscles that keep your eyes open.

In general, eyelid surgery has the ability to:

  • Remove loose or sagging skin on the upper eyelid
  • Correct drooping lower eyelids that reveal white beneath the iris
  • Remove fatty deposits that cause puffiness in the eye area
  • Soften the appearance of bags under the eyes
  • Smooth fine lines around the eyes
  • Improve makeup application
  • Create a less obstructed field of view
    • Reduce discomfort from overused forehead muscles

Depending on your unique concerns, Dr. Tansavatdi can perform both upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery procedures simultaneously. In fact, the most dramatic results occur when upper and lower eyelid surgeries are completed together. After carefully examining your eyes and discussing your aesthetic concerns, Dr. Tansavatdi will explain how eyelid surgery can help you and what type of results you should expect.

Eyelid Surgery Media - Dr. Tansavadti

Why Get Eyelid Surgery?

Sagging eyelid skin doesn’t just make us look older than we feel—it can also make us appear tired, angry, stressed, or sad even when we’re not. In more advanced cases, it can make it difficult to open our eyes fully and obstruct our ability to see. Men and women who want to rediscover a more youthful appearance or improve their field of vision may choose to undergo eyelid lift surgery, or blepharoplasty. Both upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery has the ability to help you look more fresh, youthful, and awake. If you’re in the Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village area and you’re interested in eyelid surgery, please contact us

Eyelid Surgery Westlake Village

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Who is a Candidate For Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty is for men and women alike who are seeking an effective and long-lasting solution to signs of aging around the eyes. Individuals who are generally healthy and do not suffer from pre-existing eye conditions or diseases are usually good candidates for eyelid lift surgery.

Although most people considering blepharoplasty are older, younger adults with excess eyelid skin can also be candidates if their concerns are advanced enough to warrant surgical intervention. Patients should be non-smokers (or willing to stop smoking before their surgery) and should have reasonable expectations of the risks and benefits associated with plastic surgery.

Patients who have an overactive thyroid gland typically do not qualify for surgery due to an increased risk of swelling and other problems around the eyes. Dr. Tansavatdi will carefully examine your eye anatomy and your medical history prior to determining your candidacy for blepharoplasty.

If you are not a good candidate for eyelid surgery at this time, Dr. Tansavatdi can work with you to create an anti-aging plan involving other facial plastic surgeries or non-surgical cosmetic treatments that effectively address your concerns without compromising your health. The only way to find out for certain if blepharoplasty is right for you is to schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Tansavatdi.

Tansavatdi Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery

Preparing For Eyelid Surgery

During your initial consultation with Dr. Tansavatdi, you will discuss your concerns and your reasons for pursuing eyelid surgery. She will evaluate your facial structure and skin, discuss the likely outcomes of blepharoplasty and the potential risks, educate you about blepharoplasty techniques, and if relevant, recommend other treatments that may be better suited to your needs. 

It’s natural to feel a mix of anxiety and excitement as you anticipate your surgery and your new look. Don’t be shy about asking questions or raising concerns with Dr. Tansavatdi. This in-person meeting is your time to get to know her and thoroughly familiarize yourself with the details of your procedure so that you can make informed decisions about your surgery and move forward with confidence. 

Once Dr. Tansavatdi is made aware of your goals, she will create an outline of your personalized surgical plan. This plan will include the technique to be used, your options for anesthesia, your financial investment for the procedure, what you need to do to prepare for the surgery, and post-operative instructions to follow for a safe and smooth recovery.

Blepharoplasty Procedure Details

A blepharoplasty procedure usually lasts between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the technique used and whether both upper and lower eyelids are combined in one procedure. The incisions used for eyelid surgery are carefully placed so that any scarring is concealed within the anatomical structures of the eye region.

Dr. Tansavatdi performs an upper eyelid surgery by making inconspicuous incisions in the natural creases of the upper eyelids. Through these incisions, she can remove or reposition fat deposits, tighten the underlying muscles, and remove excess skin. The incisions are finely closed and over time, the scars heal within the natural crease of the upper eyelid until they are nearly invisible. During lower eyelid lift surgery, incisions placed just below the lower lash line and/or on the inside of the lower lids.

Dr. Tansavatdi prefers to use an incision inside the lower eyelid to minimize scarring and complications. In this approach, fat is redistributed to eliminate puffiness but no skin is removed. The wound heals with no visible scars because the incision is on the inside of the eyelid. Occasionally, a separate incision is placed along the lash line to remove redundant skin.

Upper eyelid surgery and/or lower eyelid surgery may be performed under local anesthesia and/or mild sedation in the office or under mild “twilight anesthesia” or general anesthesia in an accredited outpatient facility. Patients can expect to go home a few hours after the procedure.

Ptosis repair in Westlake Village

Ptosis is the drooping of the upper eyelid. As a facial surgeon, Dr. Tansavatdi can improve this condition. She will make an incision in the crease of the upper eyelid skin, or the inside of the eyelid, where the scar post-surgery will be hidden. This is also where the muscles are that are lift the eyelid. One of these muscles will be either tightened or re-attached to the upper eyelid to correct the ptosis. The patient’s end result will depend on exactly how the tissue heals, but Dr. Tansavatdi will make adjustments as needed. If you’re looking for ptosis repair in the Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village area, Dr. Tansavatdi can help you. 

Get your Eyelid Surgery Questions Answered. Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Tansavatdi

Tansavatdi Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Immediately after your eyelid surgery, you may experience blurry vision and mild discomfort. This is a normal and expected part of the healing process. Blepharoplasty patients may experience a range of symptoms during the first few days of recovery at home, including redness, swelling, discomfort, dry eyes, eye fatigue, and mild bruising. Pain can typically be managed with over-the-counter medications, though Dr. Tansavatdi may prescribe pain relievers if necessary. She will also provide you with specific instructions for post-operative care that may include the use of cool compresses and lubricating eye drops, use of eye ointment at night, taking antibiotics, sleeping on your back, and avoiding strenuous physical activities for a period of time.

Patients can expect to require one week away from work and daily activities after eyelid surgery. Sutures are removed 5 to 7 days after the procedure. Makeup can then be used to conceal the incisions and any bruising or redness. Contact lens use can be resumed in 1 to 2 weeks. Dr. Tansavatdi recommends patients use specific vitamins to diminish the amount of bruising and swelling and accelerate healing. 

Your recovery progress will be carefully monitored by Dr. Tansavatdi and her team as you visit our offices for follow-up appointments. Following all aftercare instructions closely will minimize side effects and ensure a safe and comfortable recovery.

Thousand Oak Blepharoplasty

Life after eyelid surgery

The initial improvements of your eyelid surgery will be visible immediately. Your final results will emerge as post-operative swelling subsides in the weeks following the procedure. After a cosmetic eyelid lift, you will enjoy a more youthful appearance and a more alert, well-rested expression. After a functional eyelid lift, your eyelids will be lighter and will no longer interfere with your vision. Blepharoplasty will not dramatically change the shape or movement of your eyes. You will still look like yourself, but a younger and more vibrant version.

Eyelid surgery results are long-lasting and may correct some concerns permanently. However, no cosmetic procedure can stop the aging process. You will continue to age naturally, and you may notice a relaxing of the skin around your eyes in the future. Even if this occurs, your eyes will always look more youthful than they would have without eyelid surgery. A healthy lifestyle and good skincare habits will extend the results of your blepharoplasty for as long as possible.

Enhance the Results of Your Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is often combined with other procedures to enhance its anti-aging benefits. Eyelid lift surgery pairs well with facelift surgery—which is designed to address aging concerns in the lower half of the face—for complete facial transformation. It’s also common to combine an eyelid lift with a brow lift for comprehensive rejuvenation of the upper face.

Non-surgical treatments can also complement the results of your blepharoplasty. Botox and/or dermal filler injections, or treatments like microneedling and laser resurfacing, can further enhance your youthful appearance by smoothing wrinkles and improving your skin.


A Focus on the Face

Most plastic surgeons operate across the entire body. Dr. Tansavatdi has dedicated her entire career to focusing on surgeries on the face and neck. After almost a decade in practice and thousands of successful procedures, she has become the face, neck, eyelid, and nose surgery specialist she is today.

Coveted Credentials

Dr. Tansavatdi is a double board-certified and fellowship-trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

An Artist’s Eye

Dr. Tansavatdi received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Berkeley, completed her medical school at Wake Forest University, finished residency in head and neck surgery, and then dedicated her focus to facial plastic surgery for her fellowship training. Today, the face and neck are her surgical canvas and patients count on her to produce her finest work every time. Her aesthetic philosophy is that an attractive and well-proportioned face and neck only comes from achieving a natural un-operated look. Through a keen eye for detail and incorporating and customizing an approach based on each person’s anatomy, she is able to obtain these goals, uniquely separating her from other surgeons who may practice a cookie-cutter approach and explains why she is able to have such successful results. 

Natural-Looking Results

Dr. Tansavatdi’s artistic background and her ultra-fine focus on facial aesthetics come from a superior understanding of facial anatomy and physiology and what can be done to produce subtle natural-looking results. Every patient is unique and every surgery is uniquely tailored to fit them.

Dr. Tansavatdi in a lab coat smiling

Eyelid Surgery - FAQ

Can blepharoplasty help improve vision?

If your vision is impaired by sagging eyelids, then blepharoplasty may be able to help. Other than this, the surgery will not affect your eyesight in any way. Postoperative swelling or scar creams may make your vision temporarily blurry, but these symptoms will disappear quickly.

Will there be pain?

During the surgery, you will be sedated and will not experience any pain. After surgery, the doctor will prescribe painkillers, but most patients find they only need a few Tylenol in order to feel better. If you are undergoing a brow lift or other facial procedure in tandem with your blepharoplasty, you may experience a greater degree of discomfort, including headaches and tenderness around the eye sockets.

Are there any risks?

Complications from eyelid surgery are rare, thanks to Dr. Tansavatdi’s meticulous attention to detail and commitment to conservative, minimally invasive techniques. Some possible risks are bleeding, infection, unfavorable scarring, and impaired vision.

What is the average cost of eyelid surgery?

Lower blepharoplasty ranges from $4000-$5000, and upper blepharoplasty ranges from $6000-$7000. Costs may include surgeon’s fees, anesthesia fees, facility fees, diagnostic fees and medication fees. You will receive a detailed and personalized quote for services once you have completed the consultation process.

How long does surgery take?

Blepharoplasty typically takes less than 2 hours to perform. It is a straightforward procedure performed on an outpatient basis. If you are undergoing a facelift or brow lift at the same time, then the surgery will take longer.

What other procedures can be performed with eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty can be well combined with a facelift, neck lift, brow lift, rhinoplasty, and many non-surgical procedures such as injectables, dermal fillers, laser treatments and other rejuvenation treatments. The doctor will provide her recommendations for achieving your best results at the time of consultation.

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