Hi there, Dr. Tansavatdi here. In this video, I'll be sharing with you what my recommendations are for when you're looking for a rhinoplasty surgeon that you may not know when you're doing your search. A lot of people like to say, “Oh, I will go to the reviews. Maybe I will find it through Google and do a search there." Sometimes those reviews can be doctored, other times when you look at before-and-afters, they're not very clear pictures or they have been modified in some way that allows you to see in not the best light. So one of the tips that I have for you is that number one is to look at whether your surgeon is an expert in their field. Meaning that they have the proper certifications because board certifications matter. And that means there are two board certifications you'll be looking for: board certified in plastic surgery or board-certified in facial plastic surgery. Preferably, if they are board-certified in facial plastic surgery, they will have board certification in Otolaryngology, which means they know how to improve the cosmetic appearance of your nose while also maintaining the functional aspect to make sure, not only do you have a pretty nose, but that you also can breathe. And that's important. The other thing that you want to know is how often your surgeon operates and does rhinoplasty surgery. So it should be a bulk of what they do. The more you do, the better you're at it. The other thing is that rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most complicated surgeries to get just right. So you'll want to make sure that they're doing that frequently. The second criteria you might want to know is also if your surgeon does before-and-after morphing- meaning they'll take your before pictures, they'll modify them and use that as a tool to make sure that you are in alignment with your surgeon as to what you want your nose to look like. If you don’t have that, how will you know that your surgeon understands exactly what they're trying to accomplish? Okay, well there you have it, those are two tips I have for you for looking for your rhinoplasty surgeon on your next consultation. Thank you so much!